ProfilePress: WordPress Best Form Plugin

ProfilePress is a user management plugin. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable form builder plugin, then the best user management plugin WordPress powered, is ProfilePress. It is one of the most efficient and powerful solutions on the market today. ProfilePress Ultimate user and profile plugin

If you have ever wanted to create registration forms, custom login forms, front-end login form, a users profile page or a front-end password reset form that will conform to a WordPress theme, and display at the front end of your website, then look no further than WordPress best form plugin, ProfilePress.

It is perfect if you want web user management and to add front-end forms to WordPress.

In order to get more leads and conversions, you need a user management plugin to build attractive forms. But the problem is, which plugin should you use to build forms that will match your brand on your blogs and website? There are many form builder plugins available, all with advantages and disadvantages, but the best forms plugin WordPress powered, is ProfilePress.

Introducing ProfilePress

ProfilePress is the best WordPress form builder plugin for user profile, login, user registration and password reset. It has seamless integration with WooCommerce, BuddyPress and BbPress and many social networks and third party membership plugins.

It is a powerful and reliable WordPress plugin that easily adds a number of front-end forms to your blog or website. This includes profile management forms, login forms, registration and password reset forms. It is a short-code based form building plugin. Choose from:

  • There are predefined ProfilePress templates for forms with some HTML and CSS, or
  • Create your own form designs that will match your website and appear at the top of your site.

ProfilePress is the ultimate use and profile plugin. Proper Fraction is the makers of MailOptin and ProfilePress plugins.

Overview Of ProfilePress

ProfilePress, the best user management plugin WordPress supported, comes with beautifully designed login, registration and password reset forms. As well as front-end profile display and edit profile templates. You do not need to know any code, just copy and paste the template short code to a WordPress page. ProfilePress plugin setting up

  • Quick setup: it is as easy as pie to get the WordPress best form plugin up and running.
  • Developer friendly: Code is clean and for extending the plugin, it is fully commented with a number of hooks and filters.
  • Expressive tags: Short code tags are expressive and intuitive for creating your own login, registration, password reset, edit profile forms and front-end user profile.
  • Easy to use: Do not worry if you do not know HTML code, ProfilePress has beautiful templates that are ready to use.

Key Features of the Best Forms Plugin WordPress Powered

Features of ProfilePress pluginThese are some features that make ProfilePress so awesome for web user management:

  • Form Builder: the ProfilePress plugin has implemented a form builder by including a TinyMCE editor for building login, registration, password reset, edit profile form and front end profile. By including a shortcode builder that provides you with various shortcodes, implementation to insert the code into the form design code area, is easy. You have a CSS code area for styling and for your convenience, there is a live preview.
  • Design Revision: ProfilePress keeps copies on all edits of your post changes and automatically save it. Via the Revision Meta Box you can access all the changes that were made and saved on your login, registration, password reset and edit profile forms.
  • Front-end Login Form: ProfilePress lets you display WordPress login forms on your front-end. By using a simple shortcode, login form can be displayed and viewed at any position on your website. The user-friendly login forms have additional features like one-time login with a password, social login, and many more. WordPress best form plugin by ProfilePress
  • Front-end WordPress Registration Form: using the front-end registration forms in ProfilePress, users are able to register to your website from the front-end. The registration forms can be displayed on any page, post, or custom post on your website.
  • Front-end Password Reset: Front-end user management features in ProfilePress enables users to reset their login passwords from the front-end.  And they can also edit user profile and profile form.
  • Multi-step registration: Registration forms can have multiple steps that requires details from the user in several steps, including names, user names, passwords and even social profiles. Depending on your preferences, the flow can be customized. Customer fields that are obligatory for users to provide, can be added.
  • Beautiful Premade Forms and User Profile Themes: Several forms and themes come with ProfilePress. For consistency, it can be customized to match your website design and color schemes. Copy and paste the generated shortcode to a WordPress page of your choice, making it pretty simple to use.
  • Welcome email and Auto Login after Registration: New registered users can receive a customisable welcome email. After successfully registering an account, newly registered users will automatically be logged in.
  • Content Restriction: The ProfilePress content restriction feature makes user management very straightforward. Via a shortcode, this feature allows you to restrict a page, post or a type of custom page, to be visible only to a selected set of users. They can be logged in or non-logged in users.
  • Email Customiser: With the ProfilePress plugin you can send customized emails and it goes hand in hand with the welcome email functionality. Some customization include the ability to change email from the name, from an email address, email content type and the body of the email. You can also customize a password less login email and the moderation status notification.
  • Social Login with WordPress: ProfilePress, the best forms plugin WordPress powered, supports social login via FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and GitHub. This feature allows users to login using their social media accounts. It is very handy as users do not need to create a new account that will be used to login on your website.
  • Customizable Sidebar Tab Widget: ProfilePress includes widget, which is only a click away and will provide login, registration and password reset in one tab. ProfilePress will display the user’s profile picture and a welcome message when a user is logged in. There is also a logout button. Setting and filters allow for customization via Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS).
  • Unlimited Profile Fields: ProfilePress includes more that just the limited default WordPress profile fields of social media networks, names, profile picture and an about section for web user management. Custom fields included with ProfilePress are text field, password field, email field, telephone, number field, hidden field, date field, country field, file uploader, multiple choice with select box, radio buttons and checkbox. It is inside the WordPress front-end. ProfilePress automatically adds the custom field on ProfilePress to the default profile page in the WordPress back end.
  • One-click Widget Creation: ProfilePress has a”create widget” facility where you can convert an existing ProfilePress login, registration, password reset and edit profile form to a widget with one click. The option to make a form as a WordPress widget which can be dragged and dropped into the sidebar or widget area.One-click widget creation with ProfilePress plugin
  • Global Admin Password: This feature allows a WordPress site owner or administrator that has admin privileges to log into a user’s account, by using their own password, but with the username of the user. This feature can be used to solve issues with a user account. ProfilePress does warn that it could pose a security risk, so advise you to turn it off as soon as you have completed the task or solved the issue.
  • Passwordless Login: via a one-time link that is sent to the user’s email address, the user can then be logged into the website. WordPress also has this feature.
  • Spam Filters: the feature protects your website om bot attacks and spammers that try to register, edit profile forms or reset email passwords. ProfilePress uses the “NoCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA” Google spam filter.

Get your access to ProfilePress WordPress plugin

Extensions for ProfilePress

There are several extensions and integrations available with ProfilePress and these are some of them:

  • Akismet Integration which will block spam and bot user registration and keep your membership site safe.
  • WooCommerce Integration: replace the default WooCommerce login and edit account form with ProfilePress to manage shipping and billings fields with ProfilePress.
  • WordPress Multisite Integration allows front-end registration of new user sites in the WordPress multi site network.
  • Polyland Integration: build multilingual login, password reset, edit profile forms and more for WordPress.
  • WordPress and BuddyPress Profile Synchronization: provides a 2-way syncing of WordPress profile fields with BuddyPress extended profile.
  • Campaign Monitor: during registration, the user can subscribe to campaign monitor email with manual and automatic syncing.
  • Join BudyPress Groups: during registration, users can select BuddyPress Groups that they can join.
  • Admin Bar and Dashboard Control: disable admin bar and control access of users to WordPress dashboard and admin.
  • WordPress Navigation Menu Links: This makes it easy to add login, login/logout, registration, password reset, edit profile and my profile links to WordPress menu.
  • Email confirmation / verification: this ensures that newly registered users have to confirm their email address before they can log into WordPress.
  • MailChimp: users can subscribe to MailChimp email lists during registration with manual and automatic syncing.

Email subscription lists can also be managed by AWeber who offer a free plan.

ProfilePress Pricing Plans

There are four plans available for the WordPress form builder plugin, and although it does not come with a free option, there is a 30-day money back guarantee. And renewals attract a 30% discount. 4 ProfilePress Pricing plans

  • Personal Plan: this is suited for individuals with one site and at a cost of $69 per year, you get all the features discussed above. Also add together all official add-ons and all official themes.
  • Business Plan: it supports up to three websites and at $99 per year it has everything included in the personal plan. Plus 3 pro add-ons namely MailChimp, campaign monitor and polylang integration.
  • Developer Plan: it supports an unlimited number of websites and at $199 per year, it is best suited for developers. It includes all the features of the business plan together with all pro and official add-ons and any future releases. Also all pro and official themes plus any future releases and priority support.
  • Ultimate Plan: this is a one time payment of $599 and apart from supporting unlimited number of websites, you get all the features from the developer plan. Together with these additional features of lifetime updates and lifetime support.

Support for the WordPress Best Form Plugin

Support is amazing and is either through ProfilePress forums or personally via email.

  • There is a forum where you can post questions on general queries about the plugin and request features. If you would like to see any features added, then ask. Or if you have a conflict with other plugins, theme conflict, translation into other languages and ProfilePress development.
  • Email support via personal emails.
  • The Developer plan and Ultimate plan will also give you priority support.

There is also a knowledge base center that will guide you through implementing any features for web user management that are available on the platform. ProfilePress plugin video

Pros: What I like about ProfilePress Plugin

  • ProfilePress, the WordPress best form plugin, offers a simple solution for multiple types of forms.
  • Very good value for money.
  • The ProfilePress WordPress form builder plugin is rich with numerous features.
  • Unlimited forms for front-end login, sign up and resetting password
  • Form builder and theme builder available.
  • The built in functionality does what it says it will do.
  • The ProfilePress best forms plugin WordPress powered is developer friendly.
  • Built-in shortcode builder.
  • Short code tags – expressive and intuitive shortcode tags for creating your own login, registration, password reset and many more.
  • CSS code area – in order to design and style login, registration forms, the WordPress form builder plugin comes with a built-in code area for writing CSS style sheets. You can do the front-end profile form in the front-end user profile.
  • Easy to use – ready to use templates means you do not need to know how to code to easily use the plugin.
  • Live preview – see what your forms will look like in real time, while you are designing and coding.
  • Quick set-up – the best user management plugin WordPress powered, is instant to set up and run.

Cons: What I don’t like

  • Some features may require some coding knowledge to make it happen.

Who is ProfilePress for?

Perfect for those that have a community of users and want to ease up their user management systems.

ProfilePress is recommended for anybody that wants to create forms and needs to have web user management for user accounts on your website. It is recommended if you wish to have several registered users on your website.

If you wish to manage user forums, then ProfilePress WordPress best form plugin, is perfect for that.

Comments and Testimonial on ProfilePress

ProfilePress testimonial

ProfilePress TestimonialFinal Thoughts

The best forms plugin WordPress powered allows users to save, connect and manage their profiles on their custom forms. Front end forms are designed in such a way that it will prevent your users from connecting to the website though the back-end of WordPress. So visitors to your website interact with your website through the front-end.

A form generator is also included in ProfilePress that let you easily create your own custom forms. Simply enter your custom HTML and CSS and within seconds you get a set of short codes and adds a field section to your forms. To simply insert forms in your publications and pages, function codes are used.


If you have any experience of working with ProfilePress, the best user management plugin WordPress powered, or have any comments about web user management, then please leave them below and I will get back to you.


24 thoughts on “ProfilePress: WordPress Best Form Plugin”

  1. Thanks for writing a review of Profile Press. Recently, I would like to start to create a forum website with my friends. I have a basic knowledge of WordPress coding (though limited), so this plugin seems suitable for my taste. Is the personal plan enough for creating a niche forum? The price is quite alright since I will share the cost with my friend. So if it’s not enough, I think I can go with the Pro plan.

  2. Thank you so much for this great article. This helps me a lot, you haven’t left anything out, written very clearly. I am looking for a way where I can safely enroll my customers. Creating a login form, for my 28-day intermittent fasting challenge. The ProfilePress is exactly what I need right now. It came at exactly the right time.  I think for me the personal of $ 69. would be the best option. I think I don’t have to look any further. Thank you for that. 

    • The Personal plan at $69 per year should be adequate for your challenge and you can always upgrade if your needs change. 

  3. Hi Liné, picking a good plugin can definitely feel overwhelming with all the options out there so thank you for offering such a thorough review of ProfilePress.  It definitely seems like a good plugin at a great value but I’m mildly concerned about committing, do you know if they offer a free trial or any kind of demo to test it out before I purchase?

  4. Thanks for sharing this very useful post.

    You have given us a lot of detail on how much this ProfilePress plugin.

    This is a real must for those who want to control access to their website and only give access to members.  It is great that if you don’t want, or know how to design your own forms, that there templates that you can use.

    An excellent tool.

  5. Hi and thanks for sharing this review of ProfilePress. I have been using a very simple plugin for forms and I must say I have had a number of issues with it. There were times when people were unable to post comments on my site and it turned out that this plugin was the culprit. It seems though that this is potentially an updating issue. Anyway, I manage my subscriber email list manually in Excel. It isn’t great but it works for me as I only send out an email when I publish a new post. I noticed that ProfilePress has integration with Mailchimp but then it sounded as if ProfilePress has some functionality for handling a list of subscriber emails? Is that the case? can you use ProfilePress to manage the email list of your subscribers or do you need another plugin like Mailchimp for that? Thanks and best regards, Andy

  6. This certainly seems like a really comprehensive review of ProfilePress. I don’t know much about plugins, but if I was looking for one that allowed me to add and manage forms to the front end of my website, this certainly seems to be an easy to use product to consider. How many other plugins did you consider before choosing this one to manage your site?

    • ProfilePress user management plugin fitted the bill the my needs so I did not have to look at many other options. I hope this helps you. 

  7. Very interesting post on ProfilePress! I think this plugin would work really well for people looking to create a membership site. It sounds like it can be integrated with a variety of systems such as Mailchimp and WooCommerce which makes it pretty good if you want people to pay for the membership site. I am a little concerned about the price, though. Have you ever seen the ProfilePress plugin go on sale before?

    • The price of the personal plan at $69 per year works out at less than $6 per month, which is very affordable for a user management plugin that will also let you integrate with other systems. 

  8. This is what I’ve been looking for a long time, as love to blog, I’m still learning all about what is needed to keep a blog on its best, I often see some blogs with everything perfect and I didn’t know how some bloggers could get all that perfect on their blogs, I’m glad I found your article as you shared all the information I was looking for to find a way to design tables and sign up forms! I already pinned your article so I can find it later!

  9. Thank you, for an informative article on Profilepress. It is the first time that I encounter such a program. It sounds quite solid. I would use it later on, not now with my startup. The facilities are enticing and sound like it is user-friendly.

    I like that you have given alternatives at the bottom. It is always great to have options. What would be the difference between Profilepress and AWeber?

    Thank you for a great write-up!


    • AWeber is an autoresponder where you can grow your email subscriber list, whereas ProfilePress is a plugin for creating forms for users on your website. I hope it helps.

  10. I was looking for a good plugin for a form builder and have been completely lost in finding one! Thank you for this article, I will check this one out and see how I like it! Do you know how it compares to others on the market, I would be interested in seeing a comparison! Thank you!

    • Form builder plugins will vary and depend on your needs and level of website experience. If you are using WordPress, then ProfilePress is one of the best form building plugins available. 

  11. Thank you for another interesting review. I just started my blog few months ago and Im still learning how to make it most effective and user friendly. Forms are great option for closer contact with readers, and Im looking forward to implement it on my site. I haven’t heard before about profilepress plugin, but it seems as a perfect option to improve user experience. Its not cheap for starting business but looking on your review and possibilities it offers, its definitely worth a price,.

    • The ProfilePress plugin is perfect for anybody who wants to create forms on their website and have customers sign up on the website.

  12. Wow, I was actually busy looking through plug-ins and going through comments when I saw this at the same time. I like that the article went over everything I will need to implement the plug-in into my website so thanks for the help. This is a real must for those who want to control access to their website and only give access to members.  It is great that if you don’t want, or know how to design your own forms, that there templates that you can use.

    • It is indeed great that one can use a plug-in for form building, and that there are templates available as well. All the best. 


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