Amway, like many other Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing companies, have received a lot of bad press over several years. Which makes one wonder is Amway a scam or not? Can you make money with Amway? Let’s have a look at Amway and also why I stopped Network Marketing and started Affiliate Marketing.
Legendary Marketer: is it worth the money?
Legendary Marketer is a high-ticket affiliate marketing program. In this Legendary Marketer review I will show you why it is not worth the high cost of the investment. If you are considering joining this company, don’t do so until you have read this review to the end.
Legendary Marketer Review
What is Affiliate Marketing?
You have heard about Affiliate Marketing but do not know what is Affiliate Marketing? So what is the difference between Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing? Not to mention the difference between a pyramid scheme and network marketing.
There is some very confusing terminology, and a maze of different names, for products and principles that are essentially the same. Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, Cellular Marketing, Consumer Direct Marketing, Referral Marketing or Home-based Business Franchising. These are different names, but they all have the same principle, so are basically the same thing.
What is The Best Keyword Tool for Free?
Prosperity of Life: is it a Scam or Real?
I was invited to join Prosperity of Life, but alarm bells started ringing for me when I investigated them further. I was dubious that they are actually a pyramid scheme, which made me feel very uncomfortable about signing up.
In this brutal review of Prosperity of Life: is it a scam or real, I will break down the company, their products and costs and your compensation plan. I will also look at what I like about them and what I don’t like, so that you can make an informed decision for yourself whether it is a scam or real.
Usborne Books at Home – can you make money with them? A personal review
Usborne Books at Home is the direct selling division of Usborne Publishing. Usborne Publishing was started more than forty years ago in the UK by Peter Usborne. (Usborne Books and More is the name if you are in the USA. In Canada it is also Usborne Books at Home). In this review I will concentrate on Usborne Books at Home.
For Usborne Books to be your only source of income, you will need a very big team or several hundred personal recruits.
Wealthy Affiliate: an honest review from the inside
I joined Wealthy Affiliate in April 2019 as I wanted to know how to make a passive income. It is an awesome community to be part of and in this review I will give you my honest opinion after my first six months with Wealthy Affiliate. I do think it is the smartest way to make a passive income.
These are the areas that I will cover:
About Liné
Welcome to Passive Income Earners. As an-expat and work from home mum for many years, I will be helping passive income seekers to make money online. Whether you are in employment, a work from home parent, retired or approaching retirement, how to make a passive income is becoming more important. With the right tools and training, it is also easier.
An online business is portable and I would like to help you to achieve the financial freedom that passive income can give you.
Once Upon a Time…
I was born in South Africa many moons ago. After graduating from university, I spent about five years working from home, running a small hand weaving studio. I then moved to the UK where I worked in finance until my two boys came along.
We couldn’t afford the high childcare fees and we both felt that it was very important that I should be at home with our babies. As an expat I was without the support network of family that many people have.
But we needed the income, so I once again started working from home. I was doing a combination of hand crafts that I was selling, and also selling Usborne Books. After nearly seven years I returned to the corporate world and once again finance.
After more than seven years of working in finance, I left it all again. We decided to leave England and move to Italy. Due to the language barrier at that point, it was extremely difficult to find local employment.
Once again I started working from home doing hand crafts and selling Usborne Books.
Fast forward several years…
As a work from home mum for many years, I know how important it was for the development of our boys that I was with them. When kids are sick you don’t need to take a day’s leave or unpaid leave to look after them.
I have always been interested in sharing knowledge and ideas with others. We can all learn from one another and it broadens the mind. Specially if somebody asks a question and you have to research the answer.
It is a very satisfying feeling that one gets if you know that you have helped somebody else. This could be to learn something or to achieve their goal. If you would like to join me inside Wealthy Affiliate, you can register here to create your FREE starter membership. This is where you get expert training and support from the community, for people like yourself.
I sold English books in a non-English speaking country for more than seven years. So I know how hard and difficult it can be to make a living carrying heavy books around.
I started looking for ways of working online as I wanted to do something that is more portable. I realised that there are better ways to earn a living. So I started looking at how to make a passive income. This is giving me the opportunity to earn money, even when I am spending time away visiting my family and seeing our granddaughter in Australia.
Where I am Today
I started Passive Income Earners to help others to achieve the freedom and flexibility that earning online can give you. You don’t need to know it all before you start, but the important thing is that you do start, and this is the best place to start.
And it is important to have FUN while doing it.
With nearly four billion people around the globe that has access to the internet, the potential to make a living while working online is a reality.
We have lived in different countries and language can be a big barrier when you are living where your mother tongue language is not the main spoken language.
To work from home and earn passive income online, means that you are not restricted to the geographical area where you live. I would like to assist you in achieving that. Please visit my other website, where you can explore eco friendly and sustainable living. You can also see some of my hand crafts.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions on how to make a passive income, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,